We have continued to develop the Children’s Village, and now have four homes for children, and staff house, an on-site director’s home, Office, the Ministry Centre, (which can house up to 80 guests), a brand new Bunk House Housing up to 20 people and and a beautiful RV site with full hook-ups and a fully covered dining area and outdoor kitchen. We have a completed Learning Center for the children, with a workshop for welding, automotive, woodwork, classrooms and a Media Center.

We also have several projects on the go in the community, such as building housing, medical/dental clinics, projects at churches, and additional classrooms at the primary school. We have partnered with the local churches and developed a program to help families needing a permanent home. While they wait for a new home, we do what we can to make their current home safer and dry for them until their new home is ready.

Current Projects: 2025
The driveway into Mount of Olives will receive some concrete portions in the areas that wash out in the rain.
A covered area will be constructed by the playground where families can gather as they come and visit their children on the weekends.
A covered area will also be constructed behind each of the four houses for shade and rain cover for the children to play outdoors.
Retaining walls behind House 4 and the Directors House for erosion control.