We wanted to make an impact on the lives of impoverished Mexicans. Our first venture into the Baja of Mexico happened in 2000 when a team of like-hearted individuals from Whatcom County, Washington planned their first missions trip in 2000. They wanted to share Jesus with the needy in the Baja. It was the beginning of Missions Network International (MNI). In just a few years, with the help of other teams, several homes for poor families had been built, relationships built amongst the communities and a medical clinic to provide for the community’s health needs.

God led them to Ejido Uruapan where they heard of the need for an orphanage. An abandoned local hotel was the first location where we housed our children and our teams that came to Baja. This was a temporary situation and the hunt began for a piece of property where permanent homes could be built.

In 2005, the beautiful 12 acre hilltop that was across the valley from the hotel became available. The land was purchased and we started to build a home.
In 2007 the first home was complete and the House parents and the children moved in. In 2011, construction began on the Ministry Centre where we host our volunteer teams as well as a place where the entire village can gather for birthdays, celebrations and other events. Our Learning Center was completed in 2018 which includes an automotive, welding, and woodworking shop on the lower level. Upstairs are classrooms used for studies, fine arts and computers which was completed in February 2020 just in time to meet the needs created by school closures.